Holiday Package

More than just a holiday, a Miracle Holiday!


西歐9天超值遊 (巴黎)


星期日  多倫多→法蘭克福 Toronto - Frankfurt

專車由機場接送往酒店,入住酒店後團友可自由觀光。 Transfer from airport to hotel, after check in you can enjoy leisure time in Frankfurt.

星期一  法蘭克福→波恩→科隆→阿姆斯特丹 Frankfurt – Bonn – Cologne – Amsterdam

早餐於酒店後,前往德國前首都波恩,抵步後遊覽貝多芬廣場、舊聯邦大樓; 遊罷轉赴科 隆,遊覽著名科隆大教堂、購物大街;午後離開科隆直駛荷蘭,  當晚住宿於阿姆斯特丹。

Attrition: old capital Bonn-orientation town hall, Ludwig Van, Cologne Cathedral.

星期二  阿姆斯特丹→海牙→阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam – The Hague - Amsterdam


 Sightsee include Peace Palace and Country side excursion to the village of Zaanse Schans and city Centre and sightseeing at Hague.

星期三  阿姆斯特丹→布魯塞爾→巴黎  

Amsterdam – Brussels - Paris


After breakfast, begins drive to Brussels enjoy an orientation at the Mannenken Pis. After drive to Paris and stay over night there.

星期四 巴黎-凡爾賽-巴黎 Paris – Versailles - Paris


The sightsee tour include the Arc de Triomphe, drive along the Champs Elysees to the place de la Concorde, Eiffel Tower, the Glorious Palace of Versailles.

星期五  巴黎 Paris


The Sightsee including:  The world’s greatest art museum-Le Louvre, the place d’ Italie for lunch, and shopping in the area near Opera.

星期六 巴黎-漢斯-盧森堡

Paris – Reims - Luxembourg


In the morning, we will visit Reims, the capital of Champagne where made word famous Champagne sparkling wine. Later, we will drive ahead to Luxembourg, the only remaining Grand Duchy. At night we will overnight in Luxembourg

星期日  盧森堡-特裡爾-哥本倫茨-法蘭克福 Luxembourg – Trier – Koblenz – Frankfurt


After breakfast, ahead to Trier visit the Porta Nigra. After drive to Koblenz and take the cruise along the Rhine, then back to Frankfurt and over night there.

星期一  法蘭克福→多倫多 Frankfurt- Toronto

早餐於酒店後,指定集合時間由專車送往機場飛返多倫多。After breakfast, transfer from hotel to airport flight back to Toronto.






費用包括:豪華星級酒店, 導遊,豪華旅遊巴士,早餐及稅項。



